Sick and tired of hearing about the ongoing scandals in the province of Ontario? Are you asking what the hell can anyone even do about it?  This is for everyone. Kids, send it to your parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles. Parents,share it with your family and friends. Your job has been simplified. All you need to do is hit print, sign and send the letters to the recipients found on the BREACH OF TRUST LETTERS link. The other two links are the Auditors gas plant reports for your bedtime reading. We all work hard, we’re tired and we’re quickly losing our province. It’s time to put some personal effort in to make a change.

“…Recently a number of Ontarians have written to your office seeking assistance in regards to the sitting government’s “Breach of Trust”. With the statement of Kathleen Wynne, during the debates on June 3, 2014, of:
Approx. 2:02 minutes –
…I want to address the issue particularly of the relocation of the gas plants. The decisions around the relocation of the gas plants that were made were wrong. … there was public money that was wasted in those decisions and that shouldn’t have happened. And in the process the public good was sacrificed to partisan interests. … I know that people are still angry …because …there was a breach of trust between the government and the people of the province.5 – END 3:09
The duties of a Governor may be summed up in three heads: he must always act through advisers approved of by parliament; he must refrain from personal interference with the ministers in their direction of local affairs except to uphold the law or protect the people; and he must consent to all acts of government except in extreme cases.6…”

2013 AUDITOR REPORT oakville_en2013

AUDITOR REPORT mississaugapower_en

1 2016 all in one package BREACH OF TRUST LETTERS
